NGAAY – NSO PROJECT (Nso Cultural Center) Bamenda

The first fund raiser was planned and realized on December 1st 2013 at Ghana Street Bamenda. The funds raised were used to complete the payment of the piece of land and eventually relaunched the building project that was classified in three major phases for easy and
progressive realization.
Phase 1 => Clearing of the land and laying of the foundation
Phase 2 => Walling and decking of appropriate areas estimated at 35million
Phase 3 => Roofing and finishing
Phase 4 => Accessory building(s)
On the road map a second grand fund raiser was organized on Sunday 6/12/2015 and the third one on Sunday, April 30
th, 2017 all at Ghana Street. Such funds raised by Nso’bati Bamenda with strong support from friends from within and without Bamenda have gone a long way to complete the first phase of the huge project with a huge foundation taking over 30 million francs CFA. Nso’bati Bamenda remains very indebted to her friends to whom they still on rely for their relentless donations for the realization of the subsequent phases of the project.
The fith funraiser and the first to be organized at the Alahlie Project site was honoured by the Fon of Kiluum on 1
st March 2020 while the Sixth over the completed foundation took palce on Sunday December 5th 2021 under the auspices of His Royal Majesty the Fon (Azefor III) of Nkwen. This was the last public project realization of the outgoing executive. They have left funds enough to start the second phase of the project to elevate the walls and pillars. The photo album and excel spread sheets here show the details of the project.(See )
This and subsequent phases of the project is/are the challenge(s) of the new executive put in place on June 30
th 2022 in the Chong house at Ghana Street.

(1) President = Taashey Wirsy Afred
(2) Vice President = Mbuyeh Eunice
(3) Secretary General = Mbulai Henry Lukong
(4) Assistance Secretary = Jaff Charles Lontum
(5) Financial Secretary = Buhnyuy Victor
(6) Treasurer = Nsaidzeka Florence Gharni
(7) Organizing Secretary (M) = Aben Emmanuel Mborong
(8) Organizing Secretary (F) = Yaa Julie Nyuyshu
(9) Cultural Secretary (men) = Shey Fontar Venasius
(10) Cultural Secretary (women) = Tatah Glagys

  • Communication officer = Ntangri Constine
  • Adviser = Mfoormi Bahti
  • Project committee chairman = Mfoormi Bahti
    = (Dr. Banseka Edwin Tatah, MD)

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